qiitp - Front Desk

How do I get an order included with a different Customers delivery?

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Follow this procedure to find out how to add an extra job to an existing Customers delivery. (If the extra delivery belongs to the same Customer/Job, go to this article.)

Select the room

Select the room

In this example we are going to ask to deliver Kitchen Extras with an order called 4444-Smith.

This process can be done at any stage, before or after it has been ordered. If you are making a change the day before the delivery is due to happen, please follow up with a phone call.

Select the room you want to be included.

Add delivery address

Add delivery address
  1. Go to Contacts page.
  2. Add a new Role to your contacts called Deliver to. Fill out this Role with the order number and address of the other Customer/Job. Include contact numbers of who is going to be on site.
  3. Select this Role as the Delivery Address and Delivery Contact.

Select delivery

Select delivery

Skip this step if the order has already been placed.

  1. Go to Delivery page.
  2. Select DELIVERY. We will discount the delivery based on the advise of the transport company (it usually ends up free of charge).

Advise us of change by journal

Advise us of change by journal
  1. Go to Journals page.
  2. Send us a journal to advise us of what you want. If you are unfamiliar with journals, read this.

Once again, if you are making a change the day before the delivery is due to happen, please follow up with a phone call.

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